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anna she / her 14-16 chinese estj ✰ eng / δΈ­ζ–‡



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Uploaded July, 15

ONβ€’LINE now β™‘

..Love.. danmei/baihe. donghua. manhwa/hua. hualian. link click. enstars. singing. baking. volleyball. making moots!!..Hate.. bugs. math. heights. hot weather. people who condone problematic people...Tag.. nsfw. loud noises/jumpscares. graphic/gory content. self-harm.

minor!! deletes tweets sometimes, types in caps, might go ia randomly, sb to unfollow, doesn't fb priv accs, please tell me if i say/do something that makes you uncomfortable!
basic dni criteria, -12 or +25 (unless i interact first), nsfw only, hate my favs/interests, ships irl people, thinks donghua is anime, if we have no common interests, engages in unnecessary drama

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βœ“ Life Changing
βœ“ Enjoyable
βœ“ Heartwarming
βœ“ Inspiring

danmei/baihe tgcf. mdzs. svsss. woh. qjj. jwqs.
ships hualian fengqing. beefleaf. quanyin. wangxian. bingqiu. qijing.
donghua + manhwa/hua link click. orv. rebirth. your throne. true beauty. no longer a heroine.
anime spy x family.
kins mu qing. shen qingqiu.


ying (the loml! β™‘). ash. mo. raven. ollie. amor. nana. nico. xiao. jo. aya. suen. jiu. naib. lorelai. qiyu. chaos. mars. ezi. abb. koko. chels. lynn. yasmin. mui. sam. junnie. allyson. chan. cai. maddy. choco.